Save Those Searches for Easy Recall
Written By ShipWorks Tech Writer: Dan Coleman
Albert Einstein defines insanity as doing the same thing over-and-over again and expecting ShipWorks to magically begin to do it for you… or something like that.
If you’re like me, you use the Advanced Search function to locate groups of orders pretty often. It’s a great way to pull up a group of orders based on certain criteria when you want to run reports or maybe batch process orders. These searches can get pretty complex.
Did you know that you can save those Advanced Searches as a Saved Search? You sure can. The advantage being that you can just click on the saved search in the filters panel to run the search any time, without the need to recreate the search each time you need it. Another advantage is that, unlike Filters which update any time there is a change to any order, the search only runs when you click on it. This minimizes the resource load on ShipWorks, especially if you have a lot of complex filters and actions running.
So, how exactly do you go about saving one of your really cool searches? Yep, we have a guide for that.