Tips & Tricks: Creating Shipping Profiles
Shipping profiles connect orders with shipping settings. You can automatically apply shipping providers (UPS, Fed Ex, USPS), services (First-Class, Ground, Next Day Air), and specifications (shipment weights, dimensions, insurance) to certain orders. Let’s get started.
Our example is going to use a requested shipping field (Expedited) and route it to use a specific profile (USPS (Endicia), Priority) as defaults when processing orders. How you choose to create your filter and profiles are up to you—this process is as customizable as you want it.
Step One: Create a Filter to Route Specific Orders.
1. Go to Manage > Filters > Add New Filter.
2. Name your filter and click “Next”.
3. Create the conditions of your filter. (In Example 1.1, we’re pulling the requested shipping field of “Expedited”.)

3. Click on the drop-down menu and choose your newly-created filter.

2. On the “Shipping Profile” screen, select “New”.
3. Enter the name of your profile and select the settings you would like to be applied to your filter. When finished, select “OK”.

5. Click the “none” hyperlink and highlight “select”. Choose the shipping profile you want to route to your filter.
6. Your profile name should appear as a link. Click “Close” to save the changes.
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